Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Friends:Social Networking Sites for Engaged Library Services: The OneAfter909: Penn State Facebook Library App

Friends:Social Networking Sites for Engaged Library Services: The OneAfter909: Penn State Facebook Library App

Penn State has released a Facebook OPAC app. This is a great way to get students into the catalog by giving them easy access through Facebook. Screenshots included.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dictionary of the Future (TED Conference 2007 Video)

Erin McKean an editor of one of the "Big Five" dictionaries talks about the future of dictionaries.

Friday, September 07, 2007

More Thoughts on Wikipedia

I've been thinking about Wikipedia and how publishing is changing. In the past, in order to get published you had to go through a lengthy editorial process. New publishing technologies allow anyone to publish, bypassing the traditional methods. I can't help but wonder, how many qualified experts were put off by the time it would take for them to get published? Has Web 2.0 enabled "invisible experts" to come out of the woodwork? Authorities who were previously silent because of the cost of publishing, can now easily be heard.