Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Using Dabbleboard for Class Interaction/Assessment

Today I have two English comp classes that will be using Dabbleboard to brainstorm ideas for criteria they use to evaluate information. I've incorporated this feature into the LibGuide for the class. A worksheet is also available for evaluating the information resources they find.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Collaborative Web 2.0 Tools

The October issue of Campus Technology came today (yes, I get the print edition.) The article entitled "12 Cool-laborative Web 2.0 Tools" caught my eye. I scanned the list for anything I could find new to me and or interesting. JoinMe quickly got my attention, it's a web-based screen sharing application. I've been waiting for something like this!! I can't wait to try it out. We could definitely use this with our Virtual Reference service. Nothing to download, simply give the user or users you wish to screen share a code number and you are there.
It doesn't get cooler than this--or does it? There is also a web-based file conversion site called Great article, CT!!! Thanks!!