Friday, April 20, 2007

NanoTreking with PBWiki

We had three successful NanoTrek sessions using the free Peanut Butter Wikis.

Students research various nanotechnology topics and posted them to wikis. All the students were new to wikis but PBWiki interface is so easy to use they were quickly adding colors, plugins, and having a great time learning.

The educator's videos and some database research I did on using wikis in classrooms helped me figure out how to incorporate this with our information literacy mission.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Vonnegut, Tech Skeptic, Dies

My favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut died last night. A self-proclaimed secular humanist, Vonnegut questioned everything: war, science & technology, religion, etc. Something he did last year really impressed me--he made a virtual appearance on Second Life where he was interviewed by John Hockenberry of Infinite Mind.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Mashups with Google's MyMaps

Didn't get into the mashups session at ACRL-- it was packed--no standing room! Decided to educate myself on the topic. Found a CNet video on doing mashups with Google's MyMaps. Did a little mashup on Williamsport.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

ACRL Conference Wiki

Joann and I are creating a wiki as a way to share what we learned at the conference. It's a work in progress, but check it out!